Nobel Prize in Medicine for Hypoxia Research - Take advantage of the benefits now!
The method of interval hypoxia-hyperoxia training (IHHT), a special altitude training, is oxygen training to increase energy. The body is supplied with air with alternating high (hyperoxia) and little (hypoxia) oxygen. The process is a kind of training for the cells and has a rejuvenating effect on the mitochondria. Mitochondria are crucial for our energy supply and thus also for the entire metabolism. In addition to the increase in cell energy, there is also an improvement in stress resistance and the ability to regenerate and the stimulation of the immune system. MITOVIT® Interval Hypoxia Training is one of the most modern altitude training devices.
approx. 40 minutes
After the 1st treatment
Shortening regeneration times, strengthening the immune system, increasing performance (physical and mental), activating fat metabolism, anti-aging, improving sleep quality
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